● Central Statue Square 中环皇后像广场 |
It was dubbed Statue Square due to the number of effigies here. The only statue still standing after World War II is that of Sir Thomas Jackson, a former HSBC chief. Is it all about Feng Shui?
听说原本共有九个铜像竖立在皇后像广场,现在仅剩一个。是因为风水的关系把他留下来吗? |
● HSBC Main Building 汇丰银行 |
Designed by British architect Lord Norman Foster (London's The Gherkin), components were brought in from all over the world, but it is the building's distinctive feng shui that really gives it character. Do you know how the HSBC is named?
一幢又一幢的高楼大厦,背后存着了风水布局。汇丰银行名字由来,你有没有兴趣想知道? |
● Battery Path 炮台里 |
Do you notice that the buildings on Battery Path are constructed in granite and red bricks in the Neo-classical style?
你有没有注意到港岛区存着了不少建筑物及街道是由花岗石建筑而成的呢? |
● Hollywood Road 荷李活道 |
The well-trodden Hollywood Road connects a large portion of the district, from east to west. The British landed at its western end in 1841 and promptly named it Possession Point. It also named Mystic Crossroads and there is a story behind this name...
荷李活道是此区观光的热门地段,由东至西链接一大块区域。早在1841年,英军登陆荷李活道西端,随即将其取名为「占领角」。它又名神秘十字大道,内里有一个典故... |
● Lyndhurst Terrace 摆花街 |
The Cantonese name 摆花 literally means "flower arrangement", possibly because of presence of numerous stalls in the area, selling flowers to the customers of the nearby brothels.
● Public Bathhouses 大众浴场 |
As early as in the late nineteenth century when bubonic plague was severe, public bathhouses had appeared in the form of matshed and accommodated in rental tenements by the government in the City of Victoria.
● Pak Shing Temple 百姓庙 |
Built in the 1850s and popularly known as the ‘Pak Shing Temple’, Kwong Fook I Tsz houses the tablets of mainland Chinese who worked and died in Hong Kong... Have you ever heard the tragic story of this temple?
太平山街庙宇特别的多,当中的悲惨故事你可曾听过? |
● Western Market 西港城 |
The impressive building has a red brick exterior with a handsome granite arch over its entrance and attractive ‘bandaged’ brickwork.
透过房屋设计,路牌及街道名称,可窥探当时的居民生活习性... 西港城采爱德华式古典建筑风格,外墙以红砖建成,拱顶正门入口则是以花岗石砌成,殖民色彩浓厚,在四周的高楼群中益显独特。